StrangeIoC Examples
Examples version: v0.1.0 utilizing StrangeIoC v0.7.0
Installation of Examples
1.0 Example scenes to help you start using StrangeIoC.
1.1 Clone the 'strangeioc-examples' repo from GitHub
- in Terminal navigate to where you wnat the example project to live
- run 'git clone'
1.2 Initialize and Update the repo's git submodules, it's EASY!
In terminal navigate into the 'strangeioc-examples'
2.0 Using the examples in Unity
2.1 Open 'example' Project in Unity
In Unity
- File -> Open Project...
- Choose the 'Open Other...' button on bottom of Project Wizard dialog
- In 'Choose Project Directory' dialog navigate to 'strangeioc-example' folder and pick the 'exampes' folder. Click 'Open' button.
- Your should see 'Assets Progress' dialog as Unity imports assets.
- Once Unity is done you can now Open the Example scenes.
2.1 Open 'example' scene in Unity
- File -> Open Scene...
- In 'Load Scene' dialog navigate to the Scenes folder: Assets/scenes/[specific example]/[sceneFile].unity, one selected click 'Open'
- You ideall should not see any errors in the console and should just click the 'Play' button in Unity to get the example running.